Gears of War Preview (PC) hatte auf einem Microsoft Presse Event die Möglichkeit Gears of War auf dem PC zu spielen, herausgekommen ist dabei ein kleines Preview:
The only downside to the PC version of Gears of War, at least based our time with it, is that when playing multiplayer, you can’t assume that everyone on your team has a microphone. None of us were armed with microphones, which resulted in battles that were quite disorganized. Of course, this won’t be a problem for any of you fighting in organized clans and the like, but if you’re playing pick-up games alongside random teammates, you might find that it’s impossible to communicate with each other. Playing alongside or against a number of mouse and keyboard users, we were pleased to find that we had no problem being competitive. For the most part, we notched up some of the more impressive scores during our session. Of course, it remains to be seen whether or not playing with Xbox 360 controllers will still be a viable option after the game ships and all of you mouse and keyboard users become more proficient with the controls.